Friday, November 26, 2010

Ministry Trip to Southern California

On November 4th-14th I joined about 300 students from IHOPU on a ministry trip to Southern California where we preached the gospel, prayed for the sick, lead prayer meetings at local churches and universities, and strengthened the believers at local Universities.
I helped lead a team (20 ladies) in Downtown Los Angeles. We spent the majority of our time ministering at the University of Southern California. I've never been on a ministry trip filled with so much prayer! I loved it! We prayer walked around the campus 7 times in the span of 3 days (2 laps took about 1 hour:).
We helped lead prayer meetings on both the USC and UCLA campus. It was great meeting people, sharing my testimony, and praying with believers. I helped lead worship at many of the different sites both on percussion and guitar.
Here I am playing in the background while different ones share their testimony of what God has done in their life.
Lastly, here I am standing where William Seymour, a one eyed preacher, who was a son of former slaves, preached holding meetings on Azusa Street 100 years ago. It was from these gatherings of prayer, healing, and worship that went every day for 3 years, that the Charismatic and Pentecostal Movement began (Today, there are over 600 million Charismatics/Pentecostals around the world. Charismatic Catholics are the fastest growing group among Catholics around the world).
What has most moved me about William Seymour is his life of prayer, his humility, and his strong desire to see believers walking in love.
Here I am standing at the very spot where the Apostolic Faith Mission stood on Azusa street. It was here that Seymour preached, with notable signs and wonders following. It really was a sacred moment.
Here I am practicing....


  1. So it! I didn't know there was such a thing as a charismatic Catholic, but it makes sense from some of the things I've heard/seen...
