Friday, December 17, 2010

Bible Marathon, Discipleship, and trip home

Last weekend I was privileged to join something I had never done before. As a 3rd and 4th year class at IHOPU we took up the opportunity to read the Bible from cover to cover nonstop (morning and night) in 72 hours. It was amazing! We actually ended a few hours early (more time was given for Psalms then needed). As a class we started 6pm Thursday night and went around the clock reading just the Bible, ending Sunday afternoon around 2pm. There was a public reader reading on a microphone, while the rest in the room followed along. Every ten minutes the reader switched, with two microphone's being set up, so as one ended a sentence the other began so as to have no interruptions.

Needless to say from this experience I have fallen in love again with the Living Word of God. I felt so washed. I would go in the room, and all the traffic and noise in my soul would cease. My inner man came into alignment with the Word, and I began receiving insight and revelation in the Word (and even into my heart). The Word of God can calm the storms within, and bring clarity where there was confusion. We know that it is the Word put into action that is most powerful and liberating (not just head knowledge). Nonetheless, most of us today suffer from Bible-illiteracy (lack of knowing the Bible) so this was very helpful. If any of you are reading this and getting ideas of possibly wanting to do a public Bible reading (at your church, a home group, on your campus, etc) let me know and I can give some helpful advice.

I would have to say my favorite aspect of ministry school so far has been the discipleship component. I am being discipled (meaning, to teach or train) by leaders, and am discipling (teaching/training) others to become more like Christ. The best way to learn how to pray is to actually pray (not just think in your head), and the best way to grow in leading others is to actually lead. I am humbled and grateful for the opportunity to lead others closer to Christ. Proverbs 11:25- A generous man will prospoer; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.

Here is a picture of me, Rachael (to my right, we lead together), and 9 of the 10 ministry students we lead. We are at a look out in Los Angeles before a prayer time.

Here I am with Katie and Charity (sisters) from my home church. I've been mentoring them for a year and a half. They are awesome girls!
Heading home tomorrow, I hope to see as many of you as I can in my short time there. Thank you so much again for your partnership! Merry Christmas to you all!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Ministry Trip to Southern California

On November 4th-14th I joined about 300 students from IHOPU on a ministry trip to Southern California where we preached the gospel, prayed for the sick, lead prayer meetings at local churches and universities, and strengthened the believers at local Universities.
I helped lead a team (20 ladies) in Downtown Los Angeles. We spent the majority of our time ministering at the University of Southern California. I've never been on a ministry trip filled with so much prayer! I loved it! We prayer walked around the campus 7 times in the span of 3 days (2 laps took about 1 hour:).
We helped lead prayer meetings on both the USC and UCLA campus. It was great meeting people, sharing my testimony, and praying with believers. I helped lead worship at many of the different sites both on percussion and guitar.
Here I am playing in the background while different ones share their testimony of what God has done in their life.
Lastly, here I am standing where William Seymour, a one eyed preacher, who was a son of former slaves, preached holding meetings on Azusa Street 100 years ago. It was from these gatherings of prayer, healing, and worship that went every day for 3 years, that the Charismatic and Pentecostal Movement began (Today, there are over 600 million Charismatics/Pentecostals around the world. Charismatic Catholics are the fastest growing group among Catholics around the world).
What has most moved me about William Seymour is his life of prayer, his humility, and his strong desire to see believers walking in love.
Here I am standing at the very spot where the Apostolic Faith Mission stood on Azusa street. It was here that Seymour preached, with notable signs and wonders following. It really was a sacred moment.
Here I am practicing....

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Morning Prayer!

I am privileged to take my place on the wall of intercession 6am-12pm Tuesdays-Fridays in the Global Prayer Room here at IHOP. Wednesday mornings are especially my favorite! I and a fellow student lead a discipleship group of 10 second year IHOPU students, and they are a joy! Wednesdays we meet at 6am and pray in a side room for 30 minutes for grace to enter into the place of prayer (it is called the prep room), then we "charge the hill" and stand in the front of the room to help lead the room in prayer. Standing serves to help us engage and focus during intercession. Following the prayer room on Wednesdays my discipleship group meets for about 2 hours usually at my house. It is a time to share our hearts as a group, go deeper in the Word, and grow together as a body.

Thank you for making it possible for me to be able to give myself to prayer, discipling others, the Word, and evangelism! A blog on my recent ministry trip to California coming soon!! Blessings!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Touching Lives...

All is alive and well in Kansas City! I'm still giving myself to a life of prayer and being faithful and intentional to touch the lives around me.
There are countless stories to share, and I wish I had the time and space to tell of all the different lives reached, prayers prayed, lessons learned, people touched, and how the gospel is going forth to both young and old. But I can however tell you about my friend Maria, and an awesome prayer ministry I am a part of called Hope City.
This is Maria:

She is a refugee from Cuba that a friend and I are "mentoring" which mostly involves helping her acclamate to life here in the US. This mostly involves us teaching her English, as that is her greatest need/desire. Maria is awesome. She's hilarious, and is always looking for a way to give me a gift after we spend time together. I'm really enjoying sharing my life with her, and her life with mine.
This particular Saturday I brought her to a Hope City "fiesta" of sorts out on the street so she could practice her English on people. Hope City is a ministry that reaches out to the homeless, addicts, prostitues, etc.

This Saturday we were doing baptisms outside for all who wanted to make a public declaration of their decision to follow Christ. This particular teen along with 4 of his friends gave his life to Christ last year at a prayer meeting on a street corner we had. He decided this Saturday that he wanted to be baptised as a public declaration of his decision.

There was a lot of celebrating happening that day.

Free groceries were also being given away.

Hope City brings hope and love to many who would other wise never know it if we didn't come to them.

I have so enjoyed being on the team at Hope City. Praying for, getting to know, and ministering to lives in inner city Kansas City has caused my heart to grow in love for the people that live here, to hurt with them, and to cry out more fervently for God to be known in Kansas City and for His justice to be released.

Life in God is anything but boring! I appreciate your prayers and support which keep me going.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Reppin Christ in the streets of Kansas City


St Patrick's Day means many things to many people. Here in Kansas City, they do St. Patrick's Day "BIG" with a parade brining out up to 100,000 people annually. So, I went out with about 1,000 other IHOP missionaries and talk to people on the streets about St. Patrick and heaven.

Here are some pictures of me and my friend Donisha asking people survey questions to see what they know about St. Patrick. Also, if we had any prophetic words for them we shared those as well. Everyone was really open to do the survey and talk about heaven.

1st question: Where was Saint Patrick born? A: Britain (no one surveyed got that correct)

After asking about Saint Patrick I asked if they think St. Pat went to heaven and why, and if they think they will go to heaven and why. Listening..

John 4:34-35- Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work. 35 Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!

Breaking down the truth. To go to heaven we must be 100% good, 100% of the time. Only one man (ever) has hit that mark--the Son of God, Jesus Christ--and it's only in and through Him do we have hope. "And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved." -Acts 4:12

The harvest truly is great! From surveying it was off to MARCH in the Parade!

Here we are marching:

Until Next Time.....

"If I have any worth, it is to live my life for God so as to teach these peoples; even though some of them still look down on me." -Saint Patrick

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Email of 2009...the Honeybun

Psalm 66:16-Come and listen, all you who fear God; let me tell you what he has done for me.

I'm getting ready to head back to Kansas City from my brief visit back home to the East Coast. It was so good to see my family, Church family, and friends. Seeing your faces, hearing what God is doing in your life, and your questions and interest in what I am doing has greatly encouraged me! I know when I am at the International House of Prayer praying, and studying, and serving I have an ARMY behind me helping me to keep going. Thank you!

Now I am off again! I hope to return to DC this Spring and have an intentional gathering where we can get together and I can share all that God is doing. Until then, you will be hearing much from me! Feel free to contact me with prayer requests, praise reports, etc. anytime! I love partnering with you! Grace and Peace, Lauren

(Email of 2009--05/03/09)

Now, regarding that honey bun. The other day I was babysitting my little cousins, and one of them was thoroughly upset because she could not eat a honey bun for breakfast. She allowed her disappointment (and rage? haha), unbeknownst to her, to affect her whole mood into the afternoon. How often do we do that? Someone says something that rubs us wrong, or blocks our agenda from happening, or something doesn't go our way like we want, etc., and it clings to us all-day-long. I have set my heart, although it may be uncomfortable at the moment, to not waste pain, pressure, not one disappointment, nor hurt. I don't always do it perfectly, but I'm setting my heart to see how I can know Christ more in the midst of my suffering. How can I be grateful for God's goodness in my life, instead of shortsighted, negative, and in self-pity? Don't let a honey bun set the tone of your day, but in the midst of today's pressures/exams/deadlines/meetings, etc. set your heart to become more intimate with Christ in the situation. Look up..