Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Photos from Kids Camp

All right...these kids are ready for camp!

The boys lined up ready to try to beat the girls in a race to see who could get the most water in a bucket using a t-shirt.

...Sorry boys, the girls won!

Water ballon fight!
Definitely one of the kids favorite events.
It's going to get bigger...better...and wetter every Wednesday.
Somebody get me a poncho!

All righty...time for worship together. I was letting all the kids strum the guitar, and get a feel for the strings.

Putting the songs to motion and getting some volunteers....(thanks Kimmy and Leland!)

Dancing and singing together...

Thanks for partnering with me, financially and through prayer to touch lives!

Until next time....

Please pray for the outreach this Saturday, August 15th in the inner city. Ministering to the needs of the people and sharing the love of Christ. Read some testimonies at

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

IHOP in the "Kansas City Star"

The International House of Prayer was on the cover of the Sunday Edition of the "Kanas City Star" newspaper two Sundays ago.

You can read the article and watch a video at:

Key Events (Prayer requests) for August:
1. Vacation Bible School every Wednesday of this month from 5pm-7pm for kids in the neighborhood.
2. Ministry School is about to start for me! August 10th is my deadline for tuition. Thank you to those who have sent support and those who have commited to!
3. Tent Meeting in Inner City Kansas City, August 15th. Please pray for God to encounter the hearts of all those that will be gathered.

I think of you often, and you are in my prayers. Please let me know how I can be praying for you. Send me an email or call me.

Bless you! Lauren
Special thanks to Gail Rase, Lauren Elizabeth, Julian, Sis Tabatha & Bro Dennit, Sis Margie & Bro Jeff, Christine, and Sen. Harrington & Bro Ken!